Sunday, December 16, 2007

PPR-- An insight !

PPR or Partial Page Rendering is one of the most attractive feature put up by Oracle in 11.5.10 release of Oracle Apps, or OA Famework.
Although most of OAF developer community use this feature, i think very few would have idea, how excatly it works in UIX.PPR uses Ajax kind of design and hence very attractive to use, because it can put dynamic features in various UIX beans, without the use of any client side script like javascript, which is otherwise a integral part of any web application. PPR events are very fast as they refresh only a particular region or protion of page and no the entire page.

Developers that want to add such behaviors to their web pages are often faced with a difficult decision. All of these actions can be implemented using a very simple solution: by refreshing the entire page in response to the user interaction. However easy, this solution is not always desirable. The full page refresh can be slow, giving the user the impression that the application is unresponsive. Another option is to implement such actions using JavaScript (or other client-side scripting technologies). This results in faster response times, at the expense of more complex, less portable code. JavaScript may be a good choice for simple actions, such as updating an image. However, for more complicated actions, such as scrolling through data in a table, writing custom JavaScript code can be a very challenging undertaking.

Oracle UIX provides another solution which avoids some of the drawbacks of the full page refresh and custom JavaScript solutions: partial page rendering (or PPR for short). The UIX partial page rendering functionality provides the ability to re-render a limited portion of a page. As in the full page render solution, PPR sends a request back to the application on the middle-tier to fetch the new contents. However, when PPR is used to update the page, only the modified contents are sent back to the browser. UIX automatically merges the new contents back into the web page. The end result is that the page is updated without custom JavaScript code, and without the loss of context that typically occurs with a full page refresh.

How Partial Page Rendering Works
The partial page rendering process breaks down into three main areas: the partial page event, the partial page rendering pass, and the partial page replacement.

The partial page event is the request that the browser sends to the application to request new contents. Partial page events are very similar to their full page event equivalents. For example, when the user navigates to a new record set in a table bean, a goto event with a value event parameter is sent to the application regardless of whether the event is a partial or full page event. There are two important differences between partial and full page events. First, partial page events specify partial page rendering-specific event parameters which are not present on the full page event equivalents. For example, partial page events may include an event parameter which identifies the set of nodes that should be re-rendered (referred to as "partial targets"). The second difference between partial page events an full page events is how the events are sent.

Unlike full page events, partial page events must be sent in a way which does not force the browser to reload the current page. To implement this capability, UIX partial page rendering uses a hidden inline frame (iframe) as a communication channel between the browser and the web application running on the middle-tier. Partial page events are sent by forcing a navigation in the hidden iframe, which in turn causes a request to be sent to the application on the middle-tier. Since the iframe is hidden, the process of sending a partial page event and rendering partial page contents can take place behind the scenes, without discarding the contents of the current page.

When the partial page event is received by the application, the application responds by determining the set of partial targets to render and performing the partial page rendering pass. The partial page rendering pass is similar to a full page rendering pass. In both cases, the UINode tree is traversed by calling render() on each node in the tree. However, in the partial page rendering case, only the contents generated by the partial targets are actually sent back to the browser. All other contents are dropped. So, although the scope of a partial page rendering pass and full page rendering pass are similar in the number of UINodes that are rendered, the partial page response is generally much smaller, since only the modified contents are sent back to the browser.

The final part of the PPR process is the partial page replacement. When the browser receives the partial page response, the new contents for each partial target node are copied from the hidden iframe into the main browser window, replacing the existing contents for each target node. So, for example, in the table navigation case, rather than replacing the entire page, just the contents of the table itself are replaced. The browser reflows in response to the modifications, displaying the new contents to the user without fully re-rendering the entire page.

To recap, the sequence of steps which occur during a partial page render are:

The initial page is rendered.
The user performs some action which triggers a partial page render, for example clicking on a link or button.
JavaScript event handlers provided by UIX force a navigation in a hidden iframe.
The partial page event is sent to the application.
The application determines whether the request is a partial page event and which partial target nodes to re-render.
The partial page rendering pass is performed.
The contents of the partial target nodes are sent back to the iframe in the browser.
The partial page replacement is performed, at which point the new contents are copied from the iframe into the main browser window.
The browser re-flows and displays the new content to the end user.
Note that the partial page rendering process requires no custom JavaScript code.
(The source of this article is Oracle UIX documentation.)


Unknown said...

This artical is nice very informative.

I have an dought.
what is the difference between named webbean and indexed webbean?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Mukul,
Article on PPR is really nice one.
In my current project, I have to use this technology. I have got a requirment to extend the seeded page. They are looking for something we have in form based application "When Validate Item". the moment user press tab key on text box, value should be validated.
Please give me some guidence to achieve this functionality.

pc said...
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pc said...

Nice article mukul.I tried implementing the same but getting SQLException
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.sql.SQLException: invalid name pattern: APPS.org_tab_type

My pakckage is

TYPE org_rec_type IS RECORD (
party_name yy.hz_parties.xx%type,
party_number yy.hz_parties.xy%TYPE...

TYPE org_tab_type IS TABLE OF org_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

p_org_in in org_tab_type,
p_org_out out nocopy org_tab_type,
p_ret_code out number,
p_err_message out varchar2

Can it be done with RECORD also?

Unknown said...

hi Mukul,
just want to know, if we can have more than one BI report in an OAF page.....
if yes, how can we achieve this...i am trying with IFRAME approach, but i m getting the same report output for all frames....
Can you please help me?

Thanks in advance...