1)Apache Jserv is upgraded to OC4J(Oracle Containers for Java) server in R12.
2)How to enable log in R12?Since there is no Jserv as in 11i, there is no more dependency on jserv.properties file for enabling of log.Here are the details how to enable log on R12:
In R12,
Goto $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/opmn/conf
take the backup of opmn.xml
edit opmn.xml for data id="java-options" and add the following:
-DAFLOG_FILENAME=/tmp/aflog.txt -Djbo.debugoutput=console
The log message should get written in,
3)How to add custom classpath in OC4J server classpath ?
Add an entry in,
< library path="..."/ >
prepending the existing library path.Modifying orion-application.xml works only if you manually go and modify it. But whenever we run autoconfig orion-application.xml is generated again and it does not have the custom jar files which we had specified.
In case you need to permanently add a custom classpath to the OC4J instances then you need to update the template file
There would be some set of entries with tags like
< library path="%s_oacore_prepend_classpath%" />
< library path="%s_javatop%" />
< library path="%s_af_jlib%/ojdigsig.zip" />
< library path="%s_oacore_append_classpath%" />
< library path="%s_weboh_oh%/j2ee/forms/applications/forms/formsweb/WEB-INF/lib/frmsrv.jar" />
< library path="%s_tools_oh%/forms/java/frmxlate.jar" />
< library path="%s_weboh_oh%/j2ee/oafm/applications/mapviewer/web/WEB-INF/lib/mvclient.jar" />
you can add your custom path like this after all the existing library path entires
where /abc/xyz/classpath.jar is the path for your custom libraries
4)Autocompilation setting of jsp files in R12.
In file
afterwards please restart apache
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adapcctl.sh stopall
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adapcctl.sh startall
now, whenever you change a character in your jsp, this will immediate reflect your output. In production environments this setting is not recommended.
4)Steps for Manual compilation of jsp in R12.
> cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
> ojspCompile.pl --compile -s hello.jsp
5) Why R12 uses two Oracle homes in ?
There is an interesting article on Steven Chan's blog on this which explains y Oracle introduced 10.1.3 and 10.1.2 both in R12 Application server archietecture:
Why Use Two ORACLE_HOMEs for Release 12's Application Tier?
6)DBC file location in R12:
7)Bouncing OC4J server, for OAF to pick latest class and xml files.
In R12, there are two scripts which need to run to bounce the HTTP server and make OC4J container pick latest class files instead of one as in 11i, we only need to run adapcctl.sh shell script to bounce Apache Jserv.
Since in R12 Jserv is replaces by OC4J container, we need to run two scripts:
1)Script which is responsible for bouncing Oracle HTTP Server (powered by Apache).(adapcctl.sh)
2)Script which responsible for bouncing OC4J container (adoacorectl.sh)
So basically, here is the sequence of steps you need to do :
1)adapcctl.sh stop
2)adoacorectl.sh stop
3)adapcctl.sh start
4)adoacorectl.sh start
All these scripts are in $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME